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Patent Landscape or State of the art Search

patent landscape is an analysis of patent data for a particular technology, product company (ies) in specific countries within a given time frame that reveals valuable business, competitor, scientific and technological trends. Landscape reports generally focusses on a product, industry, competitors, technology, specific time period or geographic region.

Based on the output required, parameters are fixed for Patent Landscape and Patent Landscape Report (PLR) is prepared with pictorial and graphical representation of the data obtained. Patent landscape Report provides a comprehensive snapshot of the patent trends and hence useful for the businesses, especially when new markets are to be explored for the business or research in new areas is to be planned.

State of the art (SOA) or Patent Landscape Search are the terms which are used inter-changeably in the industry, however the main difference is that patent landscape report is more detailed and deeper. State of the art is the broadest among the other types of patent search, wherein a state-of-the-art search is essentially a market survey which is performed to identify the existence of similar technologies in the market. This search also provides findings regarding the competitors and indicates the trend of technology in the domain of interest.

 Patent Landscape is specifically useful at the time of:

  • Starting research in new areas of technology and companies need to understand the trends, active research areas and status of patents available.
  • Exploring new markets for business, with respect to specific product (s). The patents so obtained to perform prepare patent landscape report may also help to give idea about  potential patent infringement risk.
  • Getting to know patent filing activities of the competitors because after filing patent application, it gets published on official website of patent office of given country. Compilation of published patent applications and granted patents helps companies to understand the patent filing trends and active research areas of their competitors.
  • Innovations that are happening in a specific area of technology. This can be understood well with respect the a given period of time or based on specific country (ies).
  • Assess the research happening in a given area of technology which also sometimes opens up opportunities in terms of IP licensing as well as Merging & Acquisition.

Depending upon findings of technology landscape analysis, an appropriate IP & business strategy which is compliant with the company’s business strategy may be devised and implemented. Technology landscape is performed in following steps:

Step 1: Before starting patent landscape it is important to define scope of landscape and the output expected. There is so much data available that if scope is not defined well, volume of the patents extracted becomes difficult to manage.

The timeline shall be fixed carefully depending upon how old patents are required to be analysed

List out the parameters required, such as, top patent filing companies, country wise trend for a product

Step 2: Formulate appropriate key words and search strategies to extract right and appropriate patents

Step 3: Categorize the extracted patents based on parameters and output expected.

Step 4: Compile the data obtained into graphical representation for easy understanding

Step 5: Write description of each parameter taken into consideration and prepare the final report

Origiin, with a skilled team of patent agents is one of the best patent companies in India offering patent services like, patent searching and patent filing in India and foreign countries.

Deliverables: Patent Landscape report in PDF along with all prior art search data in excel sheet

Timeline: 3 business days

Please contact us at info@origiin.com to know more about our services (Patent, Trademark, Copyright, Contract, IP Licensing, M&A of companies)

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Patent Valuation Techniques

Patent valuation can be defined as a method to determine the real market value of patents. It is important as it plays a crucial role during many transactions such as negotiating deals, procuring investments, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, technology transfers etc.

Important elements used to determine the value of a patent are –

  1. NPV (Net Present Value);
  2. Forecast of future value (growth options);
  3. Financial model to estimate cash flows from the patent.

The market today provides for three main approaches to value patents as provided in the table above. However, it has been acknowledged that factors such as the nature of the transaction (whether by assignment or licensing), desired result, realistic growth opportunities and the expenditure on research and development of the patent must be kept in mind while selecting which approach is most suitable.

The two broad classifications of valuing patents are through the quantitative and qualitative approach where one uses numeric and economic data. The other analyses the opportunities and the risks associated with the patent. A mixture of the two, or popularly known as the hybrid model of patent valuation, is in much demand. It provides for a holistic approach to understand all the aspects of income generation from a patent. The same will be discussed towards the end of this article.

The popular methods to assess value of the patent are as below:

  1. Market Approach Method

As the name suggests, this approach takes into consideration the amount of money that a buyer is willing to pay for a similar patent in an already existing market. This method is also known as the comparable transaction approach. The assumption that this approach is based upon which the value of the patent is equal to the amount that a buyer is willing pay to a seller of a similar patented product. The shortcomings of this approach are finding a comparable patent in the market and the ability of such a comparable patent in income generation would not be the same as the patent being valued.

The following components are required to use this approach of patent valuation –

  1. An active marketplace with available price information;
  2. An identical or a group of identical patents in the market;
  3. A method to control the variables or differences.

2. Income Approach Method

The income approach is also known as the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) approach. It estimates the overall profit that a patent can generate. Most commonly, the value of the patent is based on company-specific profit projections and the use of a risk premium. The projected revenue inflow of the patented technology is discounted by variables such as the risk premium to ascertain the present value of the patent. The value attainted is considered to be the market value of the patent. The drawback of this approach is that the values used in the first place to derive at final market value can be clouded by subjective bias and manipulation.

The following components are essential to this approach:

  1. An estimate of the revenue inflows generated by the patent during its useful life;
  2. Measuring direct costs relating to the patent which are to be deducted against the revenue inflows;
  3. The amount of risk associated with the patent must be discounted or deducted from the present-day value of the patent.

3. Cost Approach Method

In this approach a patent is valued based on the amount of cost incurred to develop a similar patent either internally or externally. The historical rates trending in the market or the estimate of the cost of creation (based on current market conditions) serve as a basis to come up with the required cost estimate. It seeks to determine the value of a patent at a particular point in time by summing up the direct expenditures and opportunity costs involved in the development of the patent and considering its obsolescence. The most obvious shortcoming of this approach is that it does not consider the income-generating nature of a patent, which can and in most cases, is the primary reason to create a patent.

The following are the components required to carry out this approach:

  1. An estimate valuation of the cost of development of a patent;
  2. Value of expenditures, opportunity costs, inflation etc. at a particular point of time;
  3. Costs related to obsolescence of patent over a period of time.

4. Hybrid Model

A hybrid model would consist of factors envisaged in all of the above approaches. It included features of both qualitative and quantitative nature. This model aims to customize the patent valuation to the exact nature of the transaction that it aims to participate in. This approach has also been known to have the most practical use and has become an upcoming in the current market.

The following elements are essential to this model:

  1. The size of the market and the share of the technology concerned;
  2. The annual turnover that is generated by the patented technology;
  3. The profit derived after applying tax and other duties;
  4. The risk value that should be discounted;
  5. If the patent is a part of a product, then the value of how essential it is to the product.


No method of valuation can predict the value of a patent with 100% accuracy but valuing patents have become crucial to companies due to their ability to generate capital, attract profitable partners, enabling licensing and franchising business models and their relevance in solving disputes. Thus whichever mode of valuation that a company uses should have a nexus with the ultimate objective that the company has for the patent. Many companies often use two approaches together such as the income approach and the cost approach to obtain a more holistic view; further customization is possible and should be incorporated for such valuations in the future.

By: Aryashree Kunhambu, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Law College, Mangalore.

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